samedi 13 juin 2020

Privacy policy الصلاة في اطاليا

Conditions and privacy policy of :

أوقات الصلاة في إطاليا

This document is updated on 13 June 2020. 

Please read carefully this document including conditions and terms of using الصلاة في إطاليا services, because using any of our functions means express agreement with these terms and conditions and demands your engagement. 

Conditions to use :الصلاة في إطاليا

By this document you agree with subsequent conditions:
  • Firstly: privacy policy and conditions of use are able to be changed, and we are bound to inform you of the change date which appears in the top of this document.
  • Secondly: you accept the appearance of ads in all our services.
  • Thirdly: you confirm that you download our applications specific to Android from Google Play Store. 
  • Fourthly: you confirm to us that you won’t write inappropriate comments or comments exiting racism on all our sites, applications and our pages in social media sites.
  • Fifthly: you accept data collection (which may be private) from our services or the functions we use (for more detailed information look privacy policy).

The privacy policy of  الصلاة في إطاليا services:

It is known that to get the best possible experience, you need to send some data which can be private such as your e-mail, the personal or the pseudo name, the birth date, the type of the used device, the IP address, the favourite color… These informations can help us to present the best service possible and appropriate to your use. 

We didn’t develop our functions in order to collect these informations! but to help us in developing it and improvement it… and that after your agreement about its collection and of your own volition. 
Keep information:
Your private data will be kept as long this is necessary to realize the objective for which it’s collected or for commercial or legal reasons, or according to applicable laws. 
Informations collecting by الصلاة في إطاليا :
  • Firstly: when you contact us, we keep your e-mail and your name if it is possible as well as the subject of the message.
  • Secondly: while you are using our applications we are collecting special informations:
    • Crashes you are facing, type of device, system version that you are using…
    • Statistics of visits and characteristics which you use or you don’t use in our services.
    • Your location if it is possible.
  • Thirdly: the informations you send to us while you are registering an account in our functions.
The informations collecting by the functions we use:
  • Firstly: The advertisements; we use the following Third party Ads:
  • Secondly: statistics; for example number of visitors, crashes, countries most using our services, timeout… we use following functions:
  • Thirdly: The maps and GPS; we use the following services:
  • Fourthly: The video and live broadcast; we use the following services:
We recall that the informations which are collected by these services are only to improve the user’s experience, and present the best perfect service possible, such as convenient and targeted ads, statistics about ways of how you use our applications, statistics about the crashes and bugs in our services... these informations are not dangerous for you at all. 

For more informations about terms of use and privacy policy, please email us in:

Segma applications thanks you for you time